One great way to save money on your boat purchase is to buy a pre-owned model. Sadly, not all used boats are in the best condition. Some have been damaged in accidents, while others were poorly maintained by previous owners. By inspecting a used boat before you purchase it, you can ensure that you’re taking home a quality model that will last a long time. If you’ve never inspected a used boat before, this guide from Gordy’s Marine will talk you through the steps. 

Examine the Used Boat's Exterior

Step one of your inspection should be to take a look at the exterior. Cracks that are two inches in length or longer may eventually grow large enough to threaten the vessel’s hull integrity. If the hull is pockmarked by several smaller scratches, that may indicate that the previous owners weren’t very careful when it came to taking care of the boat. Don’t forget to check for signs of corrosion as well. 

Look for Mildew, Rot, and Rust

Move on to inspecting the used vessel’s interior. While rust, rot, and mildew usually aren’t serious in and of themselves, their presence may indicate an overall lack of maintenance. Irresponsible owners sometimes only deal with visible signs of decay, leaving the less obvious signs of damage to fester. That’s why you need to be very thorough when you inspect your vessel’s interior, getting into all the hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.

Check the Oil and Fuel

The next part of your inspection will be to take a look at the boat engine’s oil supply. If the oil is milky or gritty to the touch, it means that it has been contaminated. You should also check the fuel supply. If the fuel smells rotten, that’s a sign that something has become contaminated. 

Test the Electronic Equipment

Modern watercraft require that their electronic components be fully functional in order to operate the vessel. Combine this with the fact that a boat’s electronics are often the most expensive parts to replace, and it’s obvious why you should always inspect a used boat’s electronics before you purchase it. 

Shop used boats at Gordy’s Marine. We operate several locations throughout Illinois and Wisconsin. We’re proud to serve communities like Fontana, Wisconsin and Waukegan, Illinois. We also offer boat storage, servicing, rentals, and parts. We hope you’ll come visit us soon!